Game Develoment Info

My animation skills are pretty self-explanatory in my demo reel, but my work on the coding end warrants more explanation.

I have a fair amount of experience with HaxeFlixel. This is a non-GUI, code-based game engine with a language based on ActionScript.

While they're not as popular, code-based engines demand a deeper and more fundamental understanding of programming in order to use them effectively, compared to engines like GameMaker. They're fantastic frameworks for learning.

Thus, I may not be a Unity or Unreal professional, but I am an adaptable coder who is willing to learn.

Mainly for practice, I am currently coding an RPG from the ground up in Flixel, based on the esteemed 2015 GameMaker game Undertale. Please be aware that the sprites shown here are not mine, and I'm showing this off for code purposes only.

For brevity, here are some core features that I have added:

Party members following the player

Draw order and perspective using a dynamic scroll speed system

I also have some experience with designing and coding UI/HUD for video games from my work.

Ultimately, I have acquired some good, fundamental knowledge of game structure and development as it starts from the roots, going beyond simply knowing how to use one particular game engine.

I believe my coding skills, along with my artistic abilities, will make me of broader use to any given video game team I work on.